Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis

Primary tabs

Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis


Karo Lands present, Mts Patuha, Malabar, Dieng, Sindoro, and Tengger present, in anthropogenous places and on volcanic ash on the mountains of West, Central, and East Java present, mountains of Sumatra present, temperate South America present
This species, native of temperate South America, has repeatedly been reported to occur cultivated but also naturalized in anthropogenous places and on volcanic ash on the mountains of West, Central, and East Java (Mts Patuha, Malabar, Dieng, Sindoro, and Tengger) between 1000 and 2100 m, and in the mountains of Sumatra (Karo Lands).


WISSE 1922: p. 480. – In: Trop. Natuur. fig.
HOCHR. 1925 – In: Candollea. p 480
BUNNEMEIJER 1921: p. 56. – In: Trop. Natuur. fig.
BACK. & BAKH.F. 1963 – In: Fl. Java. p 264