Chisocheton sect. Clemensia
Pachycaul trees and treelets to 28 m tall, unbranched or sparsely branched.
Leaves to 220 cm long, imparipinnate or pseudogemmulate.
Inflorescences unbranched or sparsely branched, to 7 m long, ± flagelliform with arillate seeds, or shorter with sarcotestal seeds Calyx ± pubescent, margin truncate or variously 3- or 4-lobed.
Petals (4–)5–14, (16–) 26–45 mm long, imbricate at apices.
Staminal tube glabrous or sparsely pubescent without, with band of hairs below lobes and/or sparsely pubescent within up to apical quarter, margin entire to lobed; anthers 3–30, hairy or not, locellate or not.
Ovary 4–6-locular; stylehead subdiscoid to capitate.
Capsule to 13 cm diam., recurved, tomentose with stinging hairs.
Seeds arillate or sarcotestal, never scutellar.