Metathelypteris uraiensis

Primary tabs

Metathelypteris uraiensis


Asia-Temperate: China South-Central (Yunnan present); Taiwan (Taiwan present), Asia-Tropical: Philippines (Philippines present), Kwangtung present, Mt Data, Ilocos Norte Prov present, N. Luzon present, Ryukyu Islands present, S. Japan present
S. Japan, Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, Kwangtung, Yunnan; in Malesia: Philippines (N. Luzon: M. G. Price 2915, Solsona; 3368, Mt Data, Ilocos Norte Prov.).


This species is very near M. gracilescens but appears to be distinct in the characters men- tioned in the key.


Holttum 1976 – In: Kalikasan. p 117
C. M. Kuo 1975 – In: Fl. Taiwan. p 419
K. Iwats. 1965 – In: Mem. Coll. Sci. Univ. Kyoto B. 148, 152