Leontodon crispus Vill.

Leontodon crispus Vill.


    • =Apargia saxatilis Ten.
    • Leontodon saxatilis (Ten.) Rchb. [non Leontodon saxatilis Lam.]
    • Leontodon asper var. saxatilis (Ten.) Halácsy
    • =Leontodon asper var. typicus Halácsy
    • =Leontodon crispus subsp. rossianus (Degen & Lengyel) Hayek


    (IoI NPi SPi Pe StE EC NC NE NAe WAe

    Greece (East Central Greece present; Ionian Islands present; North Aegean islands present; North Central Greece present; North Pindos present; North-East Greece present; Peloponnisos present; South Pindos present; Sterea Ellas present; West Aegean islands present)


    Native / Non Range-Restricted






    Temperate and submediterranean Grasslands, High mountain vegetation

    IUCN category

    Not Evaluated

    Presidential Decree 67/81



    As advocated in Euro+Med (2006–), species rank alongside L. graecus in an informal L. crispus aggr. is appropriate for the two subspecies of L. crispus traditionally distinguished in Greece (viz. subsp. asper, subsp. crispus). The two taxa, accordingly referred to as L. biscutellifolius DC. 1838 (= L. asper (Waldst. & Kit.) Poir. 1814, non Forssk. 1775) and L. crispus s.str. (L. crispus subsp. eu-crispus sensu Hayek 1931: 813), occupy extensively vicariant total ranges of different chorotype (mediterranean-atlantic vs. subcontinental) but are largely sympatric in SE Europe. Whether they prefer different ecological niches where they chorologically co-occur in Greece is unexplored so far (see, e.g., Karagiannakidou & Raus 1996: 508). Previous literature records of L. crispus from Greece not determined to subspecies thus regard L. crispus agg. and may belong to either taxon. Unfortunately Halácsy, in his Conspectus florae graecae, applies the name L. asper to L. crispus (s.lat.), referring correctly to collections of L. biscutellifolius from NPi and SPi (see Halácsy 1902: 187, under L. asper var. haussknechtii and L. asper var. setulosus) but incorrectly to collections of L. crispus (s.str.) from IoI, NPi and SPi (see Halácsy 1902: 187, under L. asper var. typicus and L. asper var. saxatilis). L. crispus subsp. rossianus, erroneously mentioned in Tutin & al. (1976: 314) as a third subspecies of L. crispus to occur in Greece due to a misinterpretation of Hayek (1931: 813), falls within the range of variation of L. crispus s.str. (Strid & Tan 1991: 529; see Synonyms).

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