Salsola kali L.
Placement status: name or taxon excluded (unspecific) (Absent but reported in error, confined to the Atlantic coasts of Europe, in Greece replaced by S. tragus (Rilke 1999). Salsola sect. Salsola optionally transferred by Akhani & Roalson (2007) to a separate genus, Kali which, however, still lacks sufficient support by molecular phylogenetic analyses (H. Freitag, pers. comm.).)
- =Kali australe (L.) Akhani & Roalson
- =Kali turgidum (Dumort.) Gutermann
Absent but reported in error, confined to the Atlantic Coasts of Europe, in Greece replaced by S. squarrosa and S. tragus (Rilke 1999, Kadereit & al. 2005, Mosyakin 2017).
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