Paeonia parnassica Tzanoud.
Taxon info
Paeonia parnassica is a rare endemic of Mt Parnassos; a locality on the adjacent Mt Elikonas has not been recently confirmed. It was collected already by Orphanides, but initially regarded as a variety of P. peregrina and not recognized as an independent species until 1977. In living material the differences, e.g. in flower colour, are rather obvious. The main locality on Mt Parnassos is a ravine and grassy meadow in an opening of Abies forest at c. 1200 m.A
A. Dimopoulos, P., Raus, Th., Bergmeier, E., Constantinidis, Th., Iatrou, G., Kokkini, S., Strid, A. & Tzanoudakis, D. 2013: Vascular plants of Greece: An annotated checklist. 31. – Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem; Athens: Hellenic Botanical Society. p. 352