Limonium gmelini (Willd.) Kuntze

Limonium gmelini (Willd.) Kuntze

Placement status: name or taxon excluded (unspecific) (Reported from Greece but no material seen, the records probably refer to misidentified material of L. compactum or L. hirsuticalyx, respectively (M. Erben, pers. comm.).)


  • Statice gmelini Willd.



Reported from Greece but no material seen, records probably refer to misidentified material of L. compactum or L. hirsuticalyx (M. Erben, pers. comm.). According to Malekmohammadi & al. (2017: 103), recommendation 60C.2 of the ICN (McNeill & al. 2011) applies to the orthography of the epithet.

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