Carex maculata

Primary tabs

Carex maculata


Leaves subbasal, shorter to longer than the stems, flat with often revolute margins, greyish green, scabrous towards the long- attenuated apices, (1-)3-8 mm wide;


Asia-Temperate: Korea present, Asia-Tropical: India present; Jawa (Jawa present); Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); New Guinea present; Sulawesi (Sulawesi present); Thailand (Thailand present), Atjeh present, Australasia: New South Wales (New South Wales present); Queensland (Queensland present), Ceylon present, Diëng plateau present, Flores present, Jang plateau present, Japan present, Lesser Sunda Is present, Minahassa present, Mt Papandajan present, N. Sumatra present, New Caledonia present, Pacific: Samoa (Samoa present), Pahang present, Poso present, Ryu Kyu Is present, Southern America: Argentina Northeast (Formosa present)
Widely distributed from Ceylon and India through Thailand, China, and Korea to Formosa, Japan and the Ryu Kyu Is., and through Malesia to Queensland, New South Wales, New Caledonia and Samoa; in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Pahang), N. Sumatra (Atjeh), Java (West: Mt Papandajan; Central: Dieng Plateau; East: Jang plateau), Lesser Sunda Is. (Flores), Celebes (Minahassa, Poso), and New Guinea.
Distr. map: .


Very variable. I cannot follow Nelmes in assigning specific rank to C. neurochlamys and C. elibates. His descriptions are fairly well covered by that of C. maculata. C. elibates has darker coloured glumes and often stiffer and narrower leaves than typical C. maculata, and for this reason Kukenthal distinguished it as var. sanguineosquamata. The other characters given by Nelmes are valueless: in all Carices with a male terminal spikelet this spikelet may bear some female flowers; the very short beak of the utricle in C. maculata is variable 4 in length, and so it is in C. elibates. F.V. Mueller distinguished C. neurochlamys from C. maculata mainly by the non-papillose, strongly nerved utricles, a mistake apparently due to inaccurate observation. According to Nelmes the glumes in C. neurochlamys are usually mucronulate, not usually so in C. maculata; I fail to see any difference. Kukenthal reduced C. neurochlamys to varietal rank and distinguished it by the stouter stems, the leaves much overtopping the inflorescence, and the many-nerved, less densely papillose utricles. These characters are not found in the New Guinea specimens referred to C. neurochlamys by Nelmes.
Carex maculata is closely related to species of sect. Praelongae (C. phacota and C. pruinosa). One collection of N. Sumatra (de Wilde c.s. 13251) has several fruits with only 2 styles, and becoming as long as 4 mm, thus exactly resembling the fruits of C. pruinosa. These fruits occur in the same spikelet as the 'normal' 3-styled fruits. Another deviating feature in this collection is that some of the utricles are not glabrous, but minutely scabrid on the margins. — (Noot.).


Kern 1968 – In: Back. & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 3. p 489
Yoshikawa 1958: p. 206. – In: Ic. Jap. Carex. t. 103
Boott 1951 – In: Reinwardtia. p 414
F.v.M. 1951 – In: Reinwardtia. p 413
Benth. 1878 – In: Fl. Austr. p 447
Clarke 1894 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 735
Boeck. 1877 – In: Linnaea. p 191
Steen. 1972: Mt. Fl. Java. pl. 14-5
Kuk. 1909 – In: Pfl. R. Heft. p 427
Raym. 1959 – In: Mem. Jard. Bot. Montreal. p 71
Ohwi 1936 – In: Mem. Coll. Sc. Kyoto Imp. Un. p 434
Nelmes 1950: Kew Bull. p 205
Kuk. 1940 – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg. p 317
Boott 1858: p. 9. – In: Ill. t. 26
Nelmes 1951 – In: Reinwardtia. p 416
Nelmes 1949: Kew Bull. p 391
Akiyama 1955: Car. Far East. Reg. Asia: 120. t.105, f. 1
Nelmes 1950: Kew Bull. p 205
Boott 1965 – In: Dansk Bot. Ark. p 259
Ohwi & Koyama 1952: p. 1. – In: Misc. Rep. Nat. Sc. Mus. Tokyo. t. 1