
Primary tabs



Trees buttressed. Leaves once-pinnate and (1-) 2- (or 3-) jugate, or bipinnate with 1-3 pairs of pinnae, each pinna with 1-6-pairs of leaflets. Stipules minute, caducous. Inflorescences axillary and/or terminal, racemose, simple or fascicled, or paniculate; bracts persistent beyond anthesis; bracteoles absent at anthesis. Flowers bisexual, calyx and corolla pellucid-glandular. Petals 5, widely imbricate, shortly connate at the base. Stamens 10, alternatively long and short, free of one another, adnate with petals at the base, glabrous; anthers dorsifixed, introrse, ellipsoid or oblong, with a large, dorsal, dark brown connective, and a deciduous gland at apex. Ovary sessile or stipitate, free, mostly spindle-shaped, hairy, 2-6-ovuled; style tortuous or straight; stigma small. Seeds orbicular to broadly ellipsoid, compressed but thick, large (3-3.5 cm in diam.), with a hard-coriaceous testa; 2 massive cotyledons; exalbuminous.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Philippines (Philippines present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Flores present
Species 5, only known in Malesia: Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Philippines, Lesser Sunda Islands (Flores).


The present treatment of Sympetalandra was mainly compiled after the comprehensive revision made by Van Steenis as cited above.


Polhill & J.E. Vidal 1981 – In: Polhill & Raven, Adv. Leg. Syst. 1. p 95
Steenis 1975 – In: Blumea. p 162
Watson & Dallwitz 1983: Gen. Leg.-Caesalp. 55.