Xanthophyllum virens

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum virens


Tree, up to 30 m, 1 m dbh. Leaf-blade (6.5—)10—23 by 2.5-7.5 cm, margin slightly undulate, often somewhat irregular, apex acutish; Inflorescences usually 2 per leaf axil, 5-20 mm supra-axillary, as long as or longer than the leaves, much-branched, the basal branches 1-3 together; Sepals: Petals white or pinkish, the upper ones with a yellow spot, when dry yellowish orange, the longest one 6.5-11 mm; Stamens: Ovary appressedly hairy; Fruit globular, c. 1.5 cm diam., smooth, dull, greyish, appressedly hairy apically;


Asia-Tropical: Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Thailand (Thailand present), Bangla Desh present, Burma present, Continental SE. Asia present, Kelantan present, Perak present
Continental SE. Asia (Bangla Desh, Burma, Thailand); in Malesia: Malay Peninsula (Kelantan, Perak).


The Malayan collections are either sterile or only in fruit; as they have longer pedicels, they may not belong to this species.
In some collections all flowers examined had 7 stamens only; instead of 2 carinal stamens only a single one is present in those flowers.


Roxb. 1875: Prelim. Rep. For. Pegu. p 26
PURKAYASTHA 1958 – In: Chowdhury & Ghosh, Indian Woods 1. p 60
BEDD. 1869 – In: Fl. Sylv. Anal. Gen. pl. III, f. 2, 1-3
Roxb. 1877 – In: For. Fl. Br. Burma. p 81
DIETR. 1840 – In: Syn. Pl. p 1277
DRURY 1864 – In: Handb. Indian Fl. p 56
CRAIB 1931 – In: Fl. Siam. En. p 107
GAGNEP. 1908 – In: Desv., J. Bot. 21. p 251
CRAIB 1911: Bull. Misc. Inf. Kew. p 14
MEIJDEN 1982: p. 130. – In: Leiden Bot. Ser. f. 10A.
Roxb. 1832 – In: Fl. Ind., ed. Carey. p 221
WIGHT 1840: 49, 50. – In: Ill. Ind. Bot. t. 23, f. 10
KURZ. 1873 – In: J. As. Soc. Beng. 79, 80
GAGNEP. 1939: Fl. Gén. I.-C. p 219
Wall. 1831: Cat. p 4197
SPRENGEL 1825 – In: Syst. Veg. p 219