Xanthophyllum novoguineense

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum novoguineense


Tree, up to 30 m, 40 cm dbh. Leaf-blade 4-13.5 by 1.3-6.5 cm; Inflorescences up to c. 8 cm long; Sepals: Petals yellowish orange when dry, the longest one c. 7 mm; Stamens: Ovary appressedly hairy; Fruit unknown.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Sepik present, Sorong present
Malesia: New Guinea (Sorong in W, Sepik in Central), 4 collections.


Part of the flowers of the type collection have abnormally developed ovules; these vary in number from 1-3 and they are placed basally in the ovary and have a distinct funiculus. The majority of the ovaries, however, contained 4 laterally inserted, sessile ovules.