Xanthophyllum lanceatum

Primary tabs

Xanthophyllum lanceatum


Low shrub or small tree, 3-12 m, 18-20 cm dbh. Leaf-blade 5-14 by 1.4-4(-5.5) cm, margin more or less distinctly undulate, often a little incurved, apex acutish, rarely shortly acuminate; Inflorescences mostly longer to much longer than the leaves, basally branched but sometimes seemingly unbranched if lower bracts resemble normal leaves; Sepals: Petals pinkish or white, the upper ones often with a yellow spot, when dry yellowish, the longest one 6-9 mm long; Stamens 8, rarely in some flowers 9; Ovary appressedly hairy; Fruit broadly ellipsoid to globular, 1.2-3.5 cm diam., mostly greyish brown; Seed(s) 1 or 2.


Asia-Tropical: Cambodia (Cambodia present); Laos (Laos present); Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Thailand (Thailand present), Bangla Desh present, Burma present, Continental SE. Asia present, Langkawi Is present, Palembang present, S. Sumatra present, S. Vietnam present
Continental SE. Asia (Bangla Desh, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, S. Vietnam); in Malesia: S. Sumatra (Palembang), Malay Peninsula (incl. Langkawi Is.).


A common species with the largest distributional area within this subsection, and little variation in its characters except in the size of the ripe fruit.


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HEND. 1939 – In: J. Mal. Br. R. As. Soc. p 36
CRAIB 1931 – In: Fl. Siam. En. p 105
HASSK. 1909 – In: Fl. Gén. I.-C. p 245
KURZ 1877 – In: For. Fl. Br. Burma. p 81
NG 1972: p. 357. – In: Tree Fl. Mal. f. 1
BURK. 1935: Dict. p 2268
GAGNEP. 1908 – In: Desv., J. Bot. 21. p 251
HASSK. 1916 – In: J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. p 140
BRANDIS 1906: Indian Trees. p 44
RIDLEY 1911 – In: J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. p 73
WATSON 1928 – In: Mai. For. Rec. p 249
J.J.SMITH 1912 – In: Tropenfl. p 50
MEIJDEN 1982: p. 124. – In: Leiden Bot. Ser. f. 10A.
HASSK. 1922 – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. p 147
GAGE 1904 – In: Rec. Bot. Surv. India. p 24
King 1890: Mat. Fl. Mal. Pen. p 136
WILLIAMS 1905 – In: Bull. Herb. Boiss. p 219
HEGI 1925 – In: Fl. Mitteleur. p 87
CREVOST & PÉTELOT 1929: Bull. Econ. Indochine. p 138
SCHEFFER 1874 – In: Nat. Tijd. Ned. Ind. p 105
GORTER 1911 – In: Indische Mercuur. p 410
KURZ 1871 – In: J. As. Soc. Beng. p 46
KURZ 1873 – In: J. As. Soc. Beng. p 80
BURK. 1935: Dict. p 2268
A.W.BENNETT 1874 – In: Fl. Br. India. p 209
STADELMAN 1966: For. Southeast Asia. p 186
GAGNEP. 1939: Fl. Gén. I.-C. p 219