Bark smooth, fibrous, and reddish to yellowish brown, often darker on the surface but weathering to gray, on older trees breaking off in irregular more or less quadrangular plates 3-5 mm thick and 3-10 cm across, with scattered lenticel-like mounds.
Leaves spirally placed, bifacially flattened, linear, uninerved, without hypoderm, hypostomat-ic, narrowed at the decurrent base with a twist where the leaf leaves the stem so that the leaves appear distichous.
Seed with its covering solitary and subterminal or grouped along a scaly or leafy shoot, inverted and completely covered by a fleshy epimatium with an apical crest;
Asia-Tropical, Australasia, Chile present, NE. Queensland present, New Caledonia present, New Zealand present, Southern America: Costa Rica (Costa Rica present); Venezuela (Venezuela present)
10 spp. in two slightly geographically overlapping sections, with the type section extending from Australia and New Caledonia to New Zealand and from Chile to Venezuela and Costa Rica. The monospecific section Sundacarpus is confined to Malesia and NE. Queensland. .
EICHLER 1889 – In: E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. 2. p 105
GAUSSEN 1974 – In: Gymn. Act. & Foss. p 81
HENKEL & HOCHSTETTER 1865: Synop. Nadelhölz. p 399
DE LAUB. 1972 – In: Fl. NOUV. Caléd. et Dép. p 55
PARL. 1868 – In: DC., Prod. 16. p 518
PILGER 1903 – In: Pfl. R. p 63
PILGER 1926 – In: E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam., ed. 2, 13. p 242
WASSCHER 1941 – In: Blumea. p 380
GIBBS 1912 – In: Ann. Bot. p 537
PHILIPPI 1978 – In: Blumea. p 189
BUCHHOLZ & GRAY 1948 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 58