Chisocheton vindictae

Primary tabs

Chisocheton vindictae


Tree to 19 m tall; bole to 38 cm diam. Inner bark with white latex; wood creamy. Leaves to 50 cm, pseudogemmulate and at least 6-jugate; petiole c. 10 cm, flattened to grooved adaxially, sulcate and swollen basally. Petals 6, 18– 22 mm long, boat-shaped, fleshy, valvate, pubescent without, greyish green to dirty yellowish brown (De Wilde). Staminal tube densely pubescent on both sides, margin c. 7-lobed, each lobe c. 1.5 mm long, truncate to somewhat bilobed, sparsely pubescent; anthers 7, 3 mm long, locellate, weakly bilobed at each end, glabrous, basifixed. Fruits unknown.


Aceh present, Asia-Tropical, Bengkulu present
Malesia: Sumatra .Sumatra (Aceh and Bengkulu)


This has been collected only three times and is very poorly known.