Silene coeli-rosa

Primary tabs

Silene coeli-rosa


Annual, glabrous, usually richly branched, erect herb up to 50 cm, under dry conditions often low, single-stemmed, one- to few-flowered. Leaves linear-narrowly elliptic to linear in upper part. Flowers in lax dichasia, with few to several flowers; Petals pink, lamina 8-16 mm, obcordate or bifid to 1/3. Ovary ovoid with 5 styles. Capsule 7-15 mm; Seeds 0.6-0.9 mm, reniform, tuberculate.


Asia-Tropical: Jawa (Jawa cultivated), West and Central Mediterranean region of Europe present
From the West and Central Mediterranean region of Europe In Malesia cultivated in Java as an ornamental in the montane regions.


Backer & Bakh. f. 1963 – In: Fl. Java. p 210