Carex nubigena

Primary tabs

Carex nubigena


Leaves subbasal, shorter to longer than the stems, rigid, canaliculate to conduplicate, with scabrid margins, 1.5-3 mm wide. Inflorescence pyramidal to oblong, head-like or spike-like, 1-3(-5) cm by 7-13 mm.


Asia-Temperate: China South-Central (Yunnan present), Asia-Tropical: Jawa (Jawa present), Ceylon present, Diëng plateau present, Himalaya present, Hupeh present, Jang present, Japan present, Mt Kawi present, S. India present, Southern America: Argentina Northeast (Formosa present), Tengger-Semeru present
From Ceylon, S. India and the Himalaya to China (Hupeh, Yunnan), Formosa and Japan; in Malesia: Java (Central: Dieng Plateau; East: Mt Kawi, Tengger-Semeru&Jang).
Distr. map in .


The immature collection LAE 65208 from New Guinea (W. slope of Mt Kenive, 9° 10' S and 147° 45' E) might possibly be referred to this species. — (Noot.).


Ohwi 1936 – In: Mem. Coll. Sc. Kyoto Imp. Un. p 247
Boeck. 1875 – In: Linnaea. p 90
D. Don 1904 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 5
Kuk. 1909 – In: Pfl. R. Heft. p 145
Nelmes 1951 – In: Reinwardtia. p 434
D. Don 1936 – In: Hochr., Candollea 6. p 430
Clarke 1894 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 702
Boeck. 1875 – In: Linnaea. p 57
Miq. 1856 – In: Fl. Ind. Bat. p 347
Kunth 1837 – In: En. p 385
Koyama 1959 – In: Bot. Mag. Tokyo. p 302
Steen. 1972: Mt Fl. Java. pl. 14-1
Back. 1949 – In: Bekn. Fl. Java, (em. ed.). fam. 246, p. 60
Steud. 1855 – In: Syn. p 189
Boott 1858: p. 1. – In: Ill. t. 2
Kern 1968 – In: Back. & Bakh.f., Fl. Java 3. p 494
Nees 1834 – In: Wight, Contr. p 120