Gahnia sieberiana

Primary tabs

Gahnia sieberiana


Leaves as long as the stems, broadened at the base, with scabrous involute margins; Inflorescence decompound, up to 90 by 4-8 cm, rather dense, erect, consisting of numerous fascicles of partial panicles, the lower fascicles distant; Stamens 3-4 in each flower;


Angi Lakes present, Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Balim R present, Central Celebes present, Fak-fak present, Guadalcanal present, NE. New Guinea present, New Caledonia present, Papua present, S. and E. Australia present, Solomon Is present, W. New Guinea present, Wissel Lakes present, near Sirunke present
S. and E. Australia, New Caledonia (?), Solomon Is. (Guadalcanal); in Malesia: Central Celebes, New Guinea (W. New Guinea: Angi Lakes, Fak-fak, Wissel Lakes, Balim R.; NE. New Guinea: near Sirunke; Papua).


The nuts are often deformed (by insects?). In the Malesian specimens the fruits are always obtusely tetragonous. The (immature) fruits of the type collection of G. sieberiana (SIEBER 536, L) seem to be trigonous.
The New Caledonian G. novocaledonensis BENL () is probably not specifically distinct from G. sieberiana. It is said to differ by the almost smooth leaf-margins, the less numerous partial panicles, and the black nuts.


S. T. BLAKE 1969 – In: Contr. Queensl. Herb. p 35
KÜK. 1943 – In: Fedde, Rep. 52. p 80
BENL 1937 – In: Flora. p 382
KÜK. 1943 – In: Fedde, Rep. 52. p 78
BOECK. 1940: p. 221. – In: Bot. Arch. f. 21
Clarke 1909: Ill. Cyp. f. 7-10
S. T. BLAKE 1948 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 100
Benth. 1878 – In: Fl. Austr. p 418
OHWI 1942 – In: Bot. Mag. Tokyo. p 207