Chisocheton longistipitatus

Primary tabs

Chisocheton longistipitatus


Tree to 39 m; bole to 75 cm diam., buttresses to 1.5 m. Bark dark brown, lenticellate; inner bark pale pink to yellowish; sapwood white. Leaves to 1 m and 18-jugate; petiole 7–10 cm; rachis 2–4.5 mm diam., terete or channelled, pseudogemmula short, clawlike. Inflorescences to 45 cm, 3 or 4 times branched, proximal branches to 10 cm. Petals 4 or 5, 607 by 0.4– 0.7(–1) mm. Staminal tube pubescent except at ends, margin (4)5-lobed, lobes 1.4–1.8 mm, retuse; anthers (4) 5, 0.8–1.3 mm long, scarcely locellate. Ovary 2- (or 3-)locular; style stellate-pubescent save near apex; stylehead cylindric, apically mamillate. Capsule 3–3.5 cm long, subspherical, reddish, stipitate stipe 1.2 cm; pericarp spongy. Seeds 2 (3), sarcotestal with hole near micropyle; coty ledons collateral.


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Solomon Islands present, northern Queensland present
Australia (northern Queensland), Solomon Islands; Malesia: New Guinea


Stevens (op. cit. 18) notes that Schodde 2404 from the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea may represent a new species allied to Chisocheton longistipitatus, from which it differs in its larger fruit with a lignified pericarp.


Mabb. 1979 – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. 371.
Harms 1942 – In: Bot. Jahrb. 187.
P.F. Stevens 1978: p. 144. – In: Handb. Fl. Papua New Guinea. t. 70
P.F. Stevens 1975 – In: Contr. Herb. Austral. p 16
Johns 1976 – In: Comm. For. Trees Papua New Guinea. p 217