
Primary tabs



Large lianas, almost entirely glabrous. Leaves palmately nerved at the base, hairy domatia present in the axils of the nerves and main veins. Inflorescences usually cauliflorous (male sometimes axillary), paniculate.


Asia-Tropical: India present, Ceylon present
Ceylon and India to Indochina; throughout Malesia. Monotypic.


Benth. 1862 – In: B. & H., Gen. Pl. 1. p 35
Hook.f. 1872 – In: Fl. Br. India. p 98
Diels 1910: p. 108. – In: Pfl. R. f. 10, 40
FORMAN 1978 – In: Kew Bull. p 329
COLEBR. 1871 – In: Contr. Bot. p 49
MIERS 1864: p. 49. – In: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. t. 97