
Primary tabs



Lianas. Branchlets bearing prominent discoid petiole-scars. Leaves petiolate; Inflorescences axillary or cauliflorous, pseudo-racemose, composed of few-flowered, peduncled cymes or solitary flowers especially in female inflorescences.


Asia-Tropical: Malaya present, N. Australia present, SE. Asia present, Tropical Africa present
19 species in tropical Africa and 2 in SE. Asia of which 1 in Malesia (Malaya), and 1 endemic in N. Australia.


FORMAN 1975 – In: Kew Bull. p 89
COLEBR. 1982 – In: Kew Bull. p 369
TROU-PIN 1962: Monogr. Menisp. afric. p 47
HOOK.f. & TH. 1855: Fl. Ind. p 186
COLEBR. 1871: p. 75. – In: Contr. Bot. t. 104
Diels 1910: p. 59. – In: Pfl. R. f. 20-22
COLEBR. 1872 – In: Fl. Br. India. p 99
MIERS 1864 – In: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. p 252