Aglaia costata

Primary tabs

Aglaia costata


Tree c. 6 m high, bole c. 10 cm in diam. Leaves up to 55 cm long and 46 cm wide; petiole up to 22 cm, petiole, rachis and petiolules densely covered with scales like those on the twigs. Inflorescence c. 38 cm long and 28 cm wide; peduncle 8 cm, peduncle, rachis and petiolules densely covered with scales like those on the twigs. Flower c. 2.5 mm long and 2.5 mm wide; pedicel 1–3.5 mm, the pedicel and calyx densely covered with reddish-brown peltate scales which have a fim- briate margin. Petals 5. Staminal tube cup-shaped, 0.6 mm high, 1.6 mm wide; anthers 5, inserted just inside the margin of the tube, pointing towards the centre of the flower and occupying the entire aperture. Fruits (1–)1.2–2 cm long and (1.5–)2 cm wide, subglobose or depressed- globose with 10 deep longitudinal grooves so that the fruit has 10 longitudinal lobes, densely covered with scales like those on the twigs; fruitstalks up to 2.5 cm.


Asia-Tropical, Mindanao present, Samar present
Malesia: Philippines (Samar, Mindanao).


This species resembles A. rimosa except in details of the trichome structure (in the Philippines, the scales of A. rimosa are entire, although they are fimbriate in New Guinea) and pigmentation (the outer two thirds of the scale is paler in A. rimosa) and in the distinctive fruits which have 10 longitudinal lobes and 10 locules, each of which contains 1 seed; the locule number in the flowers dissected was not clearly visible, but appeared to be 5. This fruit structure and these locule numbers are found in no other species of Aglaia.


Pannell 1992 – In: Kew Bull., Add. Ser. 159.