
Primary tabs



Lianas or erect shrubs, root parasites; Leaves herbaceous to thinly-fleshy or coriaceous, glabrous or hairy. Flowers bisexual, in axillary spikes, each flower in the axil of a small persisting bract. Stamens not exceeding the perianth tube; Ovary ovoid to cylindric;


Asia-Tropical: India present; Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka present), N. Australia present, S. China present
3 spp., from India and Sri Lanka to S. China, Malesia, and N. Australia. .


BAILL. 1892 – In: Hist. Pl. p 458
B. & H. 1862 – In: Gen. Pl. p 349
ENDL. 1837 – In: Gen. Pl. p 331
PFEIFFER 1874 – In: Nom. p 1501
O.K. 1891 – In: Rev. Gen. Pl. p 112
MEISN. 1857 – In: DC., Prod. 14. p 519
Engl. 1889 – In: E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam. 3. p 241
BAILL. 1862 – In: Adansonia. p 124
HIEPKO 1979 – In: Willdenowia. p 43
BTH. 1863 – In: Fl. Austr. p 191
SLEUM. 1935 – In: E. & P., Nat. Pfl. Fam., ed. 2, 16b. p 36
VALET. 1886: Crit. Overz. Olacin. p 156