Clethra sumatrana

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Clethra sumatrana


Much-branched shrub, or tree with erect or crooked trunk and a dense crown, (3-)5-15 (rarely up to 25) m; Branchlets stoutish, younger parts covered with a rusty stellate tomentum maybe mixed with simple hairs, early glabrescent. Leaves lanceolate to oblong- or obovate-elliptic, apex shortly acutely acuminate, base cuneate, thin-coriaceous, young ones covered with a thick tomentum of rusty to rufous shorter stellate and longer fascicled hairs at least on midrib and nerves, older ones mostly rather persistently so by both or but one type of these hairs on the entire undersurface or only on midrib, nerves and maybe veins, generally distantly serrate with callose teeth especially in the upper part of the lamina, rarely subentire or entire, reddish when young, dark green at maturity, 4-11 (-15) by (1.5-)2-4.5(-8) cm, nerves in 8-13 pairs, curved-spreading, slightly raised beneath as are the transverse veins, reticulation not conspicuous in general; Petals obovate, erose-crenulate at apex, glabrous, white-creamy to pinkish, (5-)6-7(-9) by 4-5(-6) mm. Ovary subappressed-hirsute; Capsule subglobose, hirsutulous, 4-5 mm ø. Seeds sub-obovoid-oblong or subtrigonous, variously compressed, c. 1.5 mm.


Asia-Tropical: Sumatera (Sumatera present), Atjeh present, Eastcoast present, Tapanuli present, in the Westcoast Res. only at Brani near Bukit Tinggi present
Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Eastcoast, Tapanuli, in the Westcoast Res. only at Brani near Bukit Tinggi).


Merr. 1919 – In: Philip. J. Sc. p 248
BURRET 1940: p. 188. – In: Notizbl. Berl.-Dahl. in text.
METCALFE & CHALK 1950: p. 838. – In: Anat. Dicot. f. 192, F-G
Merr. 1934 – In: Contr. Arn. Arb. p 121
SLEUM. 1967 – In: Bot. Jahrb. p 77
DOCT. v. LEEUWEN 1926: Zoocecid. Neth. Ind: 439. f. 825 & 826