Clethra symingtonii
Tips of branchlets and innovations shortly rufous-villous.
Leaves elliptic-oblong, apex shortly subacutely attenuate, base cuneate, very base sometimes obtuse, slightly inequilateral, coriaceous, young ones early glabrate above, ± densely set with rather large stellate hairs on midrib, nerves and veins beneath as are the petioles, mature ones persistently so, 6-9 by (2.5-)3-4 cm, glandular-subserrate-denticulate in the upper, entire in the lower part, nerves in 9-10 pairs excurrent along the edge, well-raised beneath, veins transverse and prominent beneath, reticulation visible;
Petals obovate, apparently cup-like converging, quite glabrous, white, scented, 6 by 3 mm.
Ovary densely set with erect hairs;
Capsule sub-globose, c. 4 mm ø.