Clethra longispicata

Primary tabs

Clethra longispicata


Shrub or treelet, up to 5(-12) m, trunk up to 10 cm ø, bark green, with shallow pale brown flakes. Branchlets and petioles rusty to greyish tomentellous. Leaves oblong-lanceolate to elliptic-oblong, more rarely elliptic, apex rather shortly acuminate and subacute, base cuneate, rarely almost obtuse, inequilateral, subcoriaceous, younger ones glabrous above, covered all over beneath by a coherent tomentum of minor stellate cin-namomeous to greyish hairs, and of larger stellate hairs so to speak on top of that layer, mature ones tardily glabrescent beneath, furthermore sometimes with sparse fascicled hairs on the midrib beneath, (4.5-)6-11 by (1.7-)2-3.5(-4) cm, callose-denticulate or subentire, nerves 10-12(-14) pairs, generally starting at an acute angle, curved-ascending towards the edge, a little impressed above, prominent beneath, veins distinctly, veinlets rather inconspicuously raised beneath; Petals partly connate at base, broadly spathulate, crenulate, glabrous, white, scented, c. 3 by 1.5 mm. Ovary appressedly hairy; Capsule subglobose, c. 2.5 mm ø. Seeds convex-ovoid, 0.7 mm.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Philippines (Philippines present), Central Celebes present, Palawan present
Malesia: Borneo, Philippines (Palawan) and Central Celebes.


SLEUM. 1967 – In: Bot. Jahrb. p 96