Cyperus lucidus

Primary tabs

Cyperus lucidus


Leaves often longer than the stem, rigid, coriaceous, strongly septate-nodulose, flat or canaliculate, very scabrous on the margins in the upper part and on the midrib beneath, very gradually attenuate, 5-20 mm wide; Inflorescence large, compound, up to 10-radiate. Stamens 3;


Asia-Tropical: New Guinea present, Australasia: New South Wales (New South Wales present); Queensland (Queensland present); Tasmania (Tasmania present); Victoria (Victoria present), Sirunke present, Wabag area present, Western Highland Distr present
Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania), in Malesia twice collected in New Guinea: Western Highland Distr., Wabag area, Sirunke.


According to KÜKENTHAL, l.c., by far the greater part of the Australian specimens belong to: var. sanguineo-fuscus (NEES) KÜK.


KÜK. 1936 – In: Pfl. R. p 448
BOECK. 1870 – In: Linnaea. p 355
DOMIN 1915 – In: Bibl. Bot. p 442
Benth. 1878 – In: Fl. Austr. p 283