Shorea isoptera

Primary tabs

Shorea isoptera


Tall, stoutly buttressed tree. Leaves 9-16 by 5.8-8 cm, ovate; Stipule caducous, unknown. Petals densely pubescent outside, shortly sparsely pubescent within, oblong, obtuse, strongly contorted. Stamens 15, in 3 verticils, double alternating with single stamens; Panicle to 11 cm long, terminal or to 3-axillary, terete or somewhat compressed, lax, shortly persistently greyish puberulent; Ovary and stylopodium ovoid-conical, glabrous at base, puberulent near apex, crowned abruptly by a short glabrous style;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Sarawak present), S.W. Sabah present, Sandakan Distr present, northern Borneo present
Malesia: Northern Borneo (Sarawak, S.W. Sabah and Sandakan Distr.).


An isolated species whose fruit, with broad shallow receptacle and subequal sepals, and androe- cium are unique.


Ashton 1964: Man. Dipt. Brun: 137. f. 13
Meijer & Wood 1964: p. 189. – In: Sabah For. Rec. f. 19
Ashton 1968: Man. Dipt. Brun. p 73