Fimbristylis acicularis

Primary tabs

Fimbristylis acicularis


Leaves often all reduced to sheaths, but frequently some with well developed, filiform, acute, ½ mm wide blades scabrid on the margins near the top. Stamens 1-2;


Amboina present, Aru Is present, Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present); New Guinea present; Philippines (Philippines present), Bougainville present, Burn present, Halmaheira present, Luzon present, Makassar present, S. Celebes present, tropical Australia present
Tropical Australia, Bougainville; in Malesia: Philippines (Luzon), S. Celebes (Makassar); Moluccas (Halmaheira, Burn, Amboina), New Guinea, Aru Is.


According to BENTHAM F. acicularis and F. setacea differ in the style (glabrous in acicularis, ciliate in setacea) and the number of stamens (1 and 3 respectively). In the type collection of F. acicularis the style is ciliate ("stylo basi dilatatâ nudâ" R. BROWN), and in both F. acicularis and F. setacea there are 1 or 2 stamens. I have not seen SCHULTZ 79, type collection of F. australica BOECK., in which the style is said to be glabrous.
In the upper flowers of the spikelet I frequently find the upper flowers female, without a trace of stamens; cf. F. androgyna R.BR.


ROLFE 1886: p. 59. – In: J. Bot. in nota
VIDAL 1886: Rev. Pl. Vasc. Filip. p 284
VALCK. SUR. 1912 – In: Nova Guinea. p 702
Miq. 1856 – In: Fl. Ind. Bat. p 297
Benth. 1907 – In: Philip. J. Sc. Bot. 91
STEUD. 1855 – In: Syn. p 106
Benth. 1878 – In: Fl. Austr. p 301
S. T. BLAKE 1954 – In: J. Arn. Arb. p 208
Miq. 1938 – In: Bot. Jahrb. p 257
Benth. 1878 – In: Fl. Austr. p 301
Clarke 1893 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 632
Merr. 1923 – In: En. Philip. p 126
KÜK. 1924 – In: Bot. Jahrb. p 47
Koord. 1911 – In: Exk. Fl. Java. p 198
CAMUS 1912 – In: Fl. Gén. I.-C. p 96
KERN 1955 – In: Blumea. p 148