Goniophlebium persicifolium
Asia-Tropical, Himalayas to the Pacific present
Himalayas to the Pacific; throughout Malesia.
Polypodium grandidens was described on the basis of a cultivated plant originating from the Malay Peninsula with dark brown rhizome scales with 2-celled marginal glands, and with a strongly serrate pinna-margin. Some specimens from Java are similarly serrate.
Copel. 1960: Fern Fl. Philipp. p 459
Holttum 1955 – In: Revis. Fl. Malaya. p 206
Copel. 1906 – In: Philipp. J. Sc. p 162
J. Sm. 1866: Ferns Brit. & For. p 82
Rödl-Linder 1987 – In: Philipp. J. Sc. p 157
Hook. 1864 – In: Sp. Fil. p 32
auct. non Don (1825): Blume 1830: Fl. Javae Fil. p 132
Bedd. 1865: Ferns Brit. India. t. 79
Baker 1867: Syn. Fil. p 344
C. Chr. 1910 – In: Ark. f. Bot. p 38
Hook. 1864 – In: Sp. Fil. p 31
Bedd. 1990 – In: Blumea. p 383