Plectranthus canimis

Primary tabs

Plectranthus canimis


Procumbent herb. Leaves thick, fleshy, obovate-spathulate, 3-5 by 2-4 cm, crenate or remotely dentate, apex rounded, base narrowly attenuate.


Asia-Tropical: India, Kainantu Sub-distr., Aiyura H.A.E.S., in nursery plots cultivated, Toromambuna Mission Station cultivated, highlands of New Guinea cultivated
Native of India, cultivated and probably run wild in the highlands of New Guinea (Toromambuna Mission Station, BORGMANN 342; Kainantu Sub-distr., Aiyura H.A.E.S., in nursery plots, NGF 42901).


If the synonymy provided by Hooker f. is correct this name must be accepted as the valid name for what was currently called Coleus spicatus in India, of which I have not seen material. If the species would also occur in E. Africa, as HOOKER f. suggested with a question mark and with reference to Ocimum zatarhendii FORSSK., the name Plectranthus zatarhendii (FORSSK.) BRUCE Kew Bull. (1935) 590, should be accepted.


MUKER-JEE 1940 – In: Rec. Bot. Surv. India. p 52
Hook.f. 1885 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 624