Chisocheton laosensis

Primary tabs

Chisocheton laosensis


Tree to 20 m. Leaves to 50 cm, pseudogemmulate; petiole 5–8 cm. Inflorescences on supra-axillary branches to 90 cm long, with reduced caducous leaves, the whole resembling a supra-axillary thyrse, each to 25 cm long, not or sparsely branched with congested cymules of flowers; bracts lanceolate. Petals 4,11–14 by 2.5 mm, linear-oblong, adpressed pubescent without, glabrous within, drying blackish, alternative to imbricate. Staminal tube glabrous except for a few hairs in notches of lobes without and towards base within, margin 7- or 8-crenulate or -lobed; anthers 6–8, oblong-elliptic, locellate, glabrous, included. Ovary apparently 2-locular; style filiform, papillose, pubescent in proximal half; stylehead subglobular, glabrous with an equatorial papillose band. Capsule to 3 cm long, 2.5 cm diam., rusty tomentose; valves 3 or 4. Seeds 1 or 2, c. 15 mm long, apparently arillate.


Asia-Tropical, Halmahera ?and Ceram present
Malesia: Moluccas (Halmahera ?and Ceram)


The name derives from the type specimen which was believed to have been collected in Laos (Mabberley, l.c.) but, besides it, no non-Moluccan material is known. How this confusion came about is unclear.


Pellegr. 1946: Fl. Indo-Chine. p 694
Mabb. 1979 – In: Bull. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. 341.