Shorea pallidifolia

Primary tabs

Shorea pallidifolia


Small to medium-sized tree with V-section fissured bark. Twigs, buds, stipule, petiole and nervation beneath persistently pale yellowish brown scabrid pubescent, lamina beneath very shortly densely persistently ocherous scabrid pubescent. Leaves 13-22 by 7-13 cm, broadly oblong to ovate or obovate, thickly coriaceous; Stipule to 7 by 5 mm, oblong, obtuse. Sepals pubescent on parts exposed in bud; Petals elliptic, pubescent on parts exposed in bud; Stamens unknown. Panicle to 15 cm long, compressed and prominently angled, axillary, rarely terminal; Ovary ovoid, glabrous;


Asia-Tropical, N.W. Borneo present, W. and Central Sarawak present
Malesia: N.W. Borneo (W. and Central Sarawak).


The shape of the ovary, as well as fruit, bark and wood characters, suggested that this species belongs to sect./subsect. Mutica.


Ashton 1968: Man. Dipt. Brun: 113. f. 14