Shorea furfuracea

Primary tabs

Shorea furfuracea


Medium-sized or large tree, up to 50 m. Twigs, buds, stipules, petioles, leaves beneath and midrib above densely persistently pale chocolate-brown scabrid pubescent. Leaves 6-13 by 2.5-6 cm, ovate-oblong, thinly coriaceous; Stipules to 6 by 4 mm, ovate, acute, fugaceous. Flower and fruit unknown.


Asia-Tropical: Sumatera (Sumatera present), Atjeh present, Ophir present, P. Musala present, Sibolga present
Malesia: Sumatra (Atjeh, Ophir, Sibolga; P. Musala).


There are similarities in leaves and buds with S. dasyphylla and S. rugosa of sect. Mutica, but also with S. scaberrima of sect. Brachypterae.


Walp. 1868 – In: Ann. p 379
Brandis 1895 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 98
Burck 1887 – In: Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. p 219
Heyne 1917 – In: Nutt. Pl., ed. 1. p 299