Afzelia rhomboidea

Primary tabs

Afzelia rhomboidea


Tree 25-30(-36) m high and 0.4-0.8(-l.2) m in diam. Leaves (3-) 4- or 5-jugate; petiole and rachis 10 — 14( — 19) cm. Inflorescences with rachis up to 12 — 14( — 15) cm long, both main axis and branches puberulous; pedicels 4.5-5.5 mm. Developed petal yellowish red, red or dark red, 7-10 by 5-9 mm. Stamens: filaments 4.5-6 cm, united at the base (or almost free), slightly hairy near the base; anthers c. 1.5 mm long; staminodes (0.5-)l-3 cm, sparsely hairy. Ovary 1.5-4 mm long, puberulous along the margin; style of two kinds: long (40-50 mm) or very short (1-2 mm), slightly hairy at the base. Seeds 1.7-3 by 1.5-2.5 cm, c. 1 cm thick.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Kalimantan present, Sabah present), Eastcoast present, N Luzon to Mindanao present, Palembang present
Malesia: Sumatra (Eastcoast and Palembang), Borneo (Sabah, Kalimantan), Philippines (N Luzon to Mindanao)


Valuable timber tree.


Merr. 1923 – In: Enum. Philipp. Flow. pl. 257.
Merr. 1910 – In: Philipp. J. Sc., Bot. p 41
Blanco 1878: p. 119. – In: Fl. Filip., ed. 3. t. 281.
de Wit 1941: p. 151. – In: Bull. Bot. Gard. Buitenzorg. f. 2.
Merr. 1918: Sp. Blanc. 171.
Ding Hou 1994 – In: Blumea. 318.
Harms 1917 – In: Fedde, Rep. 15. 19.