Shorea macrophylla

Primary tabs

Shorea macrophylla


Medium-sized to large tree. Young twig, leaf bud, stipules, petiole, leaf beneath and midrib above persistently densely evenly caducous pale brown pubescent. Leaves 17-35 by 10-14 cm, elliptic-oblong, +- coriaceous; Stipule to 5 by 1.3 cm, broadly hastate, obtuse, constricted at base. Petals pale pink, broadly ovate, obtuse, densely pubescent on parts exposed in bud. Stamens 15, of 2 lengths, the inner 5 an anther's length longer than the outer 10; Panicle to 17 cm long, terminal or axillary, ribbed and compressed when dry, shortly evenly persistently buff pubescent, singly branched; Ovary ovoid, densely pubescent in the distal half;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present, Berau present, Kapuas valley present, Tidung present, W. and Central Sarawak present
Malesia: Borneo (widespread, but especially W. and Central Sarawak, Kapuas valley, Tidung and Berau).


The principal source of the Bornean Illipe nut; sometimes planted.


The form occurring in E. Sabah shares certain characters (stipule scars, length of petiole, smaller nut) of S. pinanga and suggests hybridisation.


Brandis 1895 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 93
Meijer & Wood 1964 – In: Sabah For. Rec. p 156
Meijer & Wood 1964: 45, 108, 156. – In: Sabah For. Rec. f. Id.
Heyne 1917 – In: Nutt. Pl., ed. 1. p 301
Ashton 1964: Man. Dipt. Brun: 196. f. 18, 20
Fischer 1932: Kew Bull. p 177
Ashton 1968: Man. Dipt. Brun: 110. pl. 22
Brandis 1895 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 96
Browne 1955: For. Trees Sarawak & Brunei. p 139
Heyne 1927: Nutt. Pl., ed. 2. 1113, 1114, 1119
Merr. 1921: En. Born. p 404
Merr. 1921: En. Born. p 405
Burck 1887: p. 211. – In: Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. t. 23, 30, f. 2-3