Chlorophytum laxum

Primary tabs

Chlorophytum laxum


Leaves 4-12 or rarely more, linear to lanceolate, usually channelled especially towards the base, with a rather prominent midrib; suberect, glabrous, 10-30(-50) cm by 4-8(-12) mm, rarely forming fibrous sheaths round the base of the plants; Ovary c. 1 mm long, obovoid or globose; Capsule usually obovoid, less often globose or depressed-globose, 3-lobed, 5-10 mm long.


Africa: Ghana (Ghana present); Liberia (Liberia present); Nigeria (Nigeria present); Senegal (Senegal present); Zambia (Zambia present), Asia-Temperate: Hainan (Hainan present), Asia-Tropical: India present; Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Thailand (Thailand present), Australasia: Northern Territory (Northern Territory present); Queensland (Queensland present), Bandjermasin present, Eastcoast Res present, Ethiopia present, N. Australia present, N. Sumatra present, S. Asia present, SE. Borneo present, Tropical Africa present, W. and Central Java present
Tropical Africa (e.g. Senegal, Liberia, Ghana, Nigeria, Zambia, Ethiopia), S. Asia (e.g. India, Indo-China, Thailand), China (incl. Hainan); in Malesia: N. Sumatra (Eastcoast Res.), Malay Peninsula, W. and Central Java, and SE. Borneo (Bandjermasin), extending to N. Australia (Queensland and Northern Territory).


Backer (1924) and Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink f. (1968) treat the Javanese plants as belonging to forma javanicum (Hassk.) Back. They give no reason for this decision and in the absence of a monograph of this species I would prefer not to uphold this form.
Infra-Malesian synonyms are omitted from the references.


Miq. 1859 – In: Fl. Ind. Bat. p 554
Back. & Bakh.f. 1968 – In: Fl. Java. p 86
Hutch. & Dalz. 1968 – In: Fl. W. Trop. Afr., ed. 2. p 100
Back. 1924 – In: Handb. Fl. Java. p 52
Gagnep. 1934 – In: Fl. Gen. I.-C. p 804
Hook.f. 1892 – In: Fl. Br. Ind. p 336