Bauhinia kockiana var. kockiana

Primary tabs

Bauhinia kockiana var. kockiana


Large, tendrilled liana with flattened stems which may reach up to at least 30 m; young shoots ± hairy, usually reddish brown tomentose, later glabrous. Leaves entire, glabrous or sparsely hairy when young, shining on upper surface; stipules auriculate, puberulous, 4-7 mm long, early caducous; petiole usually short, c. 5 mm, reddish brown puberulous; lamina chartaceous to coriaceous, 7-13 by 4-6 cm, narrowly ovate, elliptic to oblong, apex acuminate, often with a slightly emarginate tip, usually 3-nerved, sometimes sub-5-nerved, base obtuse. Inflorescences lateral and terminal corymbs or short racemes, often broader than long, varying in hairiness but in early stages and the axis usually reddish or brownish tomentose; pedicels 4-6(-7) cm; bracts ovate-oblong, c. 1 cm, caducous; bracteoles linear, few mm long, inserted below the middle. Petals yellow to orange turning red, short-clawed, broadly obovate with crenulate, undulate or flat margin, 2-2.5 cm long; outside hairy, inside almost glabrous. Fertile stamens 3; filaments glabrous, up to 8 mm long; anthers small, ellipsoid, 2-3 mm; reduced stamens and stami- nodes 3-5. Ovary shortly stipitate, 5-9 mm, brownish or reddish hairy, at least along the sutures; style c. 6 mm, glabrous or nearly so; stigma capitate. Seeds flat, broadly ovate, c. 2 cm across.


Asia-Tropical, from the Malay Peninsula (not reaching Thailand) throughout Borneo to the Lesser Sunda Islands present
Malesia: widely distributedfrom the Malay Peninsula (not reaching Thailand) throughout Borneo to the Lesser Sunda Islands; not reaching the Philippines.


According to De Wit, in Sabah used in religious ceremonies.