Shorea scabrida

Primary tabs

Shorea scabrida


Medium-sized tree. Young twig, panicle, leaf bud, outside of stipule, midrib on both surfaces and nervation beneath +- persistently densely tawny- brown scabrid pubescent. Leaves 5-9 by 3-5 cm, small, obovate or elliptic, coriaceous; Stipule to 6 by 3 mm, oblong, obtuse, fugaceous. Petals cream, pink at base, lanceolate, acute, densely pubescent on parts exposed in bud. Stamens 15, in 3 distinct verticils; Panicle to 8 cm long, terminal or axillary, short, terete or slightly compressed; Ovary and stylopodium narrowly conical, densely pubescent except at the base;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present, E. Sumatra present, Langsa present, Lingga present, Lower Langkat present
Malesia: E. Sumatra (Lower Langkat, Langsa, Lingga), Borneo.


A variable species with several local eco- types varying principally in leaf shape and persistence and evenness of tomentum.
Doubtfully distinct from S. retusa; apparently intermediate forms occur in S.E. Borneo (sterile collections).


Browne 1955: For. Trees Sarawak & Brunei. p 143
Sym. 1968: Man. Dipt. Brun. p 119
Meijer & Wood 1964 – In: Sabah For. Rec. p 146
Anderson 1963 – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. p 159
Ashton 1964: Man. Dipt. Brun: 221. f. 16, pl. 58