Bauhinia ampla var. ampla

Primary tabs

Bauhinia ampla var. ampla


Tree up to 13 m high or higher (?); young shoots thinly rusty pubescent, soon glabrous. Leaves: stipules linear, sickle-shaped, acute, subglabrous, c. 1 cm long, apparently tardily caducous; petiole up to 3 cm; lamina ovate to lanceolate, up to 22 by 11 cm; 7(-9)-nerved; apex shortly acuminate, base rounded to truncate. Inflorescences short, terminal or lateral racemes; pedicels thick, c. 2 mm long; bracts ovate-acute, c. 2 mm; bracteoles similar, inserted at the base of the pedicel. Sepals 5, strap- shaped, sparsely pubescent, acute with swollen apex, 4.5-5 by 0.5 cm. Petals white, red at base, obovate, 5-9 cm long, sessile. Stamens 10 fertile; filaments 4-5.5 cm, glabrous; anthers ovate elliptic, c. 1 cm. Stipe of ovary glabrous as ovary and style; stipe emerging 3-4 cm; style c. 1 cm; stigma indistinct. Seeds up to 10, c. 2.5 cm diam., glossy, brown.


Asia-Tropical, Timor present
Malesia: Timor, known from only a few localities.