Chingia sakayensis

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Chingia sakayensis


Asia-Tropical: Borneo (Sarawak present); Malaya present; Sumatera (Sumatera present), Peninsular Thailand present, W. Java present
Peninsular Thailand, in Malesia: Malaya, Sumatra, Sarawak, W. Java.


The type of N. sakayense at Paris con- sists of the apical part of a frond; at Kew are 2 detached pinnae. The aspect of these specimens is so different from that of fully grown plants that formerly I failed to recognize their identity, which is confirmed by recent gatherings of other small fertile plants. The single specimen from W. Java is from G. Pulosari at 600 m (Adelbert 492).


Bedd. 1892: Handb. p 78