Shorea ovalis subsp. ovalis

Primary tabs

Shorea ovalis subsp. ovalis


Large tree. Twig, petiole, nervation beneath, leaf undersurface, midrib above, panicle and parts of perianth exposed in bud densely persistently pink- brown scabrid pubescent. Leaves to 10-18 by 3-7 cm, oblong or narrowly ovate, attenuate, coriaceous; Stipule to 13 by 7 mm, ovate, acute, prominently nerved, abruptly constricted at base, subpersistent. Petals cream with a pink tinge towards base, ovate, obtuse, densely pubescent on parts exposed in bud. Stamens 50-70, of varying lengths, the innermost almost twice as long as the style and almost as long as the petals; Panicle to 18 cm long, terminal or axillary, terete; Ovary and stylopodium narrowly conical, densely shortly pubescent in the distal half, glabrous at base;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Malaya present (Singapore present), Banka present, Billiton present, E. Sabah present, E. Sumatra present, Indonesian Borneo present, Indragiri present, Penang present
Malesia: Malaya (Penang, E. coast), Singapore, E. Sumatra (Indragiri), Banka, Billiton, Borneo (E. Sabah and Indonesian Borneo).


Sym. 1939 – In: Gard. Bull. S. S. p 370
King 1893 – In: J. R. As. Soc. Beng. Sc. p 121
Browne 1955: For. Trees Sarawak & Brunei. p 132
Sym. 1933: p. 143. – In: Gard. Bull. S. S. pl. 43
1943: p. 80. – In: Mal. For. Rec. f. 37B, 38, 49
Walp. 1845 – In: Rep. p 127
DC. 1868 – In: Prod. p 623
Walp. 1868 – In: Ann. p 378
Heyne 1927: Nutt. Pl., ed. 2. p 1116
Burck 1887 – In: Ann. Jard. Bot. Btzg. p 218
Ashton 1963 – In: Gard. Bull. Sing. p 274
DC. 1868 – In: Prod. p 623
Ridl. 1922 – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. p 232
Sloot. ex Heyne 1917 – In: Nutt. Pl., ed. 1. p 299
Merr. 1921: En. Born. p 406
Walp. 1868 – In: Ann. p 378
Heyne 1927: Nutt. Pl., ed. 2. p 1116
DC. 1868 – In: Prod. p 623
Brandis 1895 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 103
Meijer & Wood 1954: p. 125. – In: Sabah For. Rec. f. 1b, pl. 8b.