Barringtonia serenae

Primary tabs

Barringtonia serenae


Trees, leptocaul, c. 20 m tall, upright, c. 25 cm diam. Leaves in whorls of 8-11(-16) at branch apices only, in upper half of internodes; Inflorescences lateral, from old leaf axils of branches, to 4 cm diam., rarely terminal on leafless shoots, pendulous, solitary to clusters of 3-5, each arising in old leaf axils; Flowers 20-28, opening 1-3 at a time; Fruits unknown.


Asia-Tropical, Madang Province present, Papua New Guinea present
Malesia: Papua New Guinea, only known from two collections from Madang Province.


The short style of this species, almost half the length of the stamens, and covered by the staminodes is a rare character in the genus.


Prance 2013: p. 82. – In: Allertonia. f. 29