Barringtonia papeh

Primary tabs

Barringtonia papeh


Trees, 3-20 m tall. Leaves clustered and tufted at branch ends; Inflorescences ramiflorous spikes, pendulous, 15-105 cm long, with up to 66 flowers; Flowers sessile (subsessile in fruit with pedicel to 3 mm long); Fruits ovoid, tetragonous, winged when young, truncate, tapering at base, 5-7.5 by 2.5-5.5 by 2.5-5.5 cm. Seeds ovoid, c. 3.25 by 2.25 cm, deeply grooved.


Asia-Tropical, New Britain present, New Ireland present, Rossel I present, SE New Guinea present, Solomon Is present
Solomon Is.; in Malesia: SE New Guinea, New Britain, New Ireland, Rossel I.


Payens 1967 – In: Blumea. p 222
Peekel 1945: Ill. Fl. Bism. Arch: 1292. f. 1291
R.Knuth 1939 – In: Engl., Pflanzenr. 219. p 25
Prance 2013: p. 62. – In: Allertonia. f. 13, 14