Barringtonia racemosa

Primary tabs

Barringtonia racemosa


Shrubs or small to medium sized trees, 2-20 m tall. Leaves clustered at apex of branches; Inflorescences terminal or ramiflorous racemes or spikes, pendulous, 20-100 cm long; Flowers sessile or with pedicels 3-16 mm long, latter not articulate; Fruits ovoid, subtetragonous, truncate, tapering at base, slightly winged when young, 5-9 by 2-5.5 by 2-5.5 cm. Seeds ovoid, 2-4 by 1-2.5 cm, subtetragonous, tapering towards apex.


Africa: Seychelles (Seychelles present), Andamans present, Asia-Temperate, Asia-Tropical: India present; Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka present); Thailand (Thailand present), Carolines present, Comores present, E and S Africa present, Madagascar present, Myanmar present, N Australia present, New Caledonia present, Nicobars present, Pacific: Fiji (Fiji present); Marianas present; Samoa (Samoa present), Pacific Islands present, Solomons present, Vanuatu present
The most widespread species of Barringtonia: E and S Africa, Comores, Madagascar, Seychelles, India (incl. Andamans and Nicobars), Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, China, to Marianas, Carolines, N Australia, Solomons, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Samoa and many other Pacific islands; in Malesia: throughout.


For differences with B. norshamiae see note under latter.


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