Barringtonia norshamiae

Primary tabs

Barringtonia norshamiae


Small trees, 8-18 m tall, without adventitious roots; Leaves grouped towards end of branches, arranged in storeys, subsessile, petioles 0-5 mm, slightly winged, not swollen at base; Inflorescences terminal or ramiflorous, pendulous; Flowers with pedicels 9-17 mm long; Fruits ovoid, 7.5-8 by 3-4 cm, terete, not winged, exocarp smooth, glabrous, green tinted pink when mature, with 4 knob-like protrusions at base.


Asia-Tropical: Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia endemic), Johore present, Pahang present
Malesia: Endemic to Peninsular Malaysia (Pahang and Johore).


This species differs from B. racemosa in the larger, ovoid, not angled fruit, the much smaller flowers on long pedicels and the tapered leaf bases. The herbarium specimens of this species have been variously filed under B. racemosa, B. revoluta and B. fusiformis and Payens (1967) identified some of the material of B. norshamiae as B. revoluta, which differs in the thicker coriaceous leaves and the distinctly revolute leaf margins and much larger flowers. The latter species does not occur in Peninsular Malaysia and is only known from Borneo and the Philippines.


Whitmore 1973 – In: Tree Fl. Malaya. p 259
Prance 2013: p. 112. – In: Allertonia. f. 23, 27
Prance 2012 – In: Kiew et al., Fl. Penins. Malaysia 3. p 199