Ficus pendens

Primary tabs

Ficus pendens


Root-climber. Branchlets drying dark brown to blackish. internal hairs abundant. Leaves distichous; stipules (0.3-)1-2 cm long, brown hirtellous on the keel and the base, caducous.


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Jawa (Jawa present); Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia present); Sumatera (Sumatera present)
Sumatra, Malay Peninsula, Java, Borneo.


1The hairs are mostly patent, but sometimes appressed (in E Borneo; var. appressa Corner). 2 This species resembles F. villosa, from which it can be distinguished by the smaller number of lateral veins (c. 5 pairs, but in F. villosa 6-10 pairs), the shorter petioles (mostly up to 1 cm long, but in F. villosa usually longer than 1 cm), and the (sub)sessile, non-stipitate or very shortly stipitate figs, which are only in the axils of the distal leaves not clustered.


Corner 1965: – Gard. Bull. Singapore 21. p 57
Corner 2000 – In: Tree Fl. Sabah & Sarawak. p 253
Kochummen 1978 – In: Tree Fl. Malaya. p 153