Ficus devestiens

Primary tabs

Ficus devestiens


Root-climber. Branchlets drying (dark) brown. internal hairs absent or sparse. Leaves distichous; stipules (0.5-)1-1.8(-2) cm long, brown hirtellous to subhirsute, caducous.


Ambon present, Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present), Bacan present, Ceram present, Eastern present, Ternate present
Moluccas (Bacan, Ceram, Ambon, Ternate), New Guinea (eastern).


1The single collection known from eastern New Guinea (with slender twigs and petioles) largely matches the collections from the Moluccas. 2The connate basal bracts are characteristic for this species. 3The species shows affinities to F. insculpta.


Corner 1965: – Gard. Bull. Singapore 21. p 54