Amphineuron opulentum

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Amphineuron opulentum


Africa: Seychelles (Seychelles present), Asia-Tropical: Thailand (Thailand present), Burma present, Ceylon present, East Africa present, N. Queensland present, S. India present, Tahiti present, islands of the Pacific present, tropical America
East Africa; Seychelles; S. India and Ceylon; Burma, Thailand; Malesia; N. Queensland; islands of the Pacific to Tahiti; naturalized at various places in tropical America.


A fuller synonymy, and commentary on it, is given in Holttum 1977. Mettenius published the first good description (as Aspidium conioneuron) with a note on the diversity of venation. The species seems not to be common in most parts of Malesia (doubtfully native in Java, few specimens from Borneo and the Philippines). Plants have long been cultivated in Singapore (origin unrecorded) and occur spontaneously on the edges of drains and elsewhere near the Botanic Garden; these plants are tetraploid. The center of distribution of the species is uncertain; possibly southern India.


v.A.v.R. 1908: Handb. p 210
Holttum 1977 – In: Blumea. p 212
Backer & Posth. 1939: Varenfl. Java. p 57
Copel. 1960: Fern Fl. Philip. p 368
Holttum 1955: p. 264. – In: Rev. Fl. Malaya. f. 150
Bedd. 1883: Handb. p 269