Machaerina sinclairii

Primary tabs

Machaerina sinclairii


Leaves crowded at the base (or a single cauline leaf also present), coriaceous, equitant, ensiform, graduually narrowed upward and shortly acuminate, smooth, (4-)8-20 mm wide. Stamens 3; Panicle more or less nodding, oblong, consisting of 4-6 distant fascicles of branches, 20-50 cm long.


Ambon present, Asia-Tropical: Maluku (Maluku present); Philippines (Philippines present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Luzon present, Mt Maquiling present, Mt Mayon present, N. Celebes present, New Zealand present, North Island present, Sierra Madre W. of Baler present
New Zealand (North Island), in Malesia: Sumatra, Philippines (Luzon: Mt Mayon, Mt Maquiling, Sierra Madre W. of Baler), N. Celebes, Moluccas (Ambon).


The authority of Cladium anceps is generally ascribed to HOOK.ƒ., but it is very doubtful whether this is right, as in there is no reference to POIRET’S basionym Scirpus anceps. The name Cladium anceps was validated by .
M. maingayi and M. sinclairii are very closely related. The most striking character to distinguish between the two is furnished by the finally up to 2½ cm long filaments of the latter. However, in Sumatra some specimens have been collected with filaments only 1 cm long and sometimes traces of hypogynous bristles. In these respects they are intermediate between the two species; KÜKENTHAL distinguished these as Cladium maingayi var. subesetosum. On account of the slender nodding panicle, the less distinctly ciliate glumes, the distinct appendage of the connective, and the slightly smaller nuts, I have referred them to M. sinclairii.
M. sinclairii is very variable as to size, width of leaves, and length of panicle. The specimens from Mt Mayon, Luzon, were distinguished as Vincentia crinita STAPF, on account of the 1-2-flowered, less compact spikelets, and the wider, markedly white style-base, slightly smaller nuts with a short pyramidal pubescent top, sharper and almost winged, broader, narrowing stipe. In my opinion they do not deserve nomenclatural recognition.


KÜK. 1940 – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg. p 308
KÜK. 1942 – In: Fedde, Rep. 51. p 12
Clarke 1909: Ill. Cyp. f. 4-5
HOOK.ƒ. 1942 – In: Fedde, Rep. 51. p 15