Shorea bracteolata

Primary tabs

Shorea bracteolata


Medium-sized to large tree. All parts at first sparsely pale brown pubescent, surfaces covered with a scurfy waxy deposit; Leaf 9-14 by 4-6 cm, oblong-ovate to elliptic, ± thinly coriaceous; Stipule c. 1 cm long, linear, fugaceous. Petals pale yellow tinged pink at base within, large, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, shortly pubescent on parts exposed in bud. Stamens 15, the inner 5 somewhat longer than the outer 10; Panicle to 10 cm long, terminal or axillary, slender, terete, straight, usually singly branched; Ovary ovoid, sparsely pubescent towards apex;


Asia-Tropical: Borneo present; Malaya present (Singapore present); Sumatera (Sumatera present), Atjeh absent
Malesia: Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra (excluding Atjeh), Borneo.


A widespread and variable species.


King 1893 – In: J. R. As. Soc. Beng. Sc. p 117
Gilg 1925 – In: E. & P., Pfl. Fam., ed. 2, 21. p 260
Dyer 1923 – In: Gard. Bull. S. S. p 36
Brandis 1895 – In: J. Linn. Soc. Bot. p 85
Dyer 1932: p. 183. – In: Mal. For. Rec. pl. 1
Burk. 1935: Dict. p 2007
Meijer & Wood 1964: p. 53. – In: Sabah For. Rec. f. la.
Baker f. 1924 – In: J. Bot. p 10
Sloot. 1949: p. 259. – In: Bull. Jard. Bot. Btzg. f. 13
Dyer 1920: p. 73. – In: J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. fig.
Sloot. 1929 – In: Merr., Pl. Elm. Born. p 202
Sym. 1943: p. 34. – In: Mal. For. Rec. f. 18,19,21
Ashton 1964: Man. Dipt. Brun: 163. f. 15
Burk. 1917: p. 164. – In: J. Str. Br. R. As. Soc. fig.
Ridl. 1922 – In: Fl. Mal. Pen. p 229
Dyer 1927: p. 28. – In: Mal. For. Rec. 3 pi.
Dyer 1968: Man. Dipt. Brun. p 93
Foxw. 1921 – In: Mal. For. Rec. p 80
Dyer 1941 – In: Mal. For. Rec. p 16
Edwards 1931 – In: Mal. For. Rec. p 141
Desch 1936 – In: Mal. For. Rec. p 27
Heyne 1927: Nutt. Pl., ed. 2. p 1115
Brandis & Gilg 1895 – In: E. & P., Pfl. Fam., ed. 1, 3. p 264
Browne 1955: For. Trees Sarawak & Brunei. p 158